Meet Camp Counselors: Ken and April Pishna
Meet Camp Carpe Diem camp counselors Ken and April Pishna of Living a Stout Life. They are experts when it comes to all things craft beer, mountain biking junkies, and traveling adventurers.
Meet Camp Carpe Diem camp counselors Ken and April Pishna of Living a Stout Life. They are experts when it comes to all things craft beer, mountain biking junkies, and traveling adventurers.
Meet Camp Carpe Diem camp counselors Debra and Barry Benton of The Virtual Campground. Barry is a professional photographer and Debra is a wellness aficionado and an expert in event management
Meet Jill and August Wheeler. Mountain bikers extraordinaire, first aid experts, fitness gurus, and all-around genuinely goof humans that love craft beer.